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How Much Does It Cost To Charge An Electric Vehicle

Despite their high profile in the media, electric vehicles make up a small percentage of vehicle sales. For the most part, that’s because many drivers aren’t sure if an EV would suit their lifestyle. But another thing that has hurt take-up is the perception that charging an electric vehicle at home would be more expensive

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Looking for a Manual Transmission?

by Chris Chase Among the notable recent trends in the auto industry is a shift away from manual transmissions to automatics. These transmissions used to be more expensive and less fuel-efficient than manuals and often hampered performance. But today’s automatics, with anywhere from 6 to 10 ratios, are generally more efficient than stickshifts and perform

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2020 Mazda3 GT AWD Sedan

by Chris Chase – Rating – 3.8/5 As recently as 10 or 15 years ago, if you wanted an economy car kitted out to match an upscale sport sedan, you were out of luck. There were speedy compacts that could keep up with a sporty luxury car, but few of them offered the features or

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How Long Will it Take to Charge an Electric Vehicle?

by Chris Chase If you’ve got questions about battery-powered cars, you’re not alone. Every time I review an electric vehicle (EV), I can count on at least one stranger asking about some aspect of the ownership experience. The most common question after “How far will it go on a charge?” is “How long does it

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