You may think not using your car for a while is a great way to cut down your gas budget. In exchange, though, your car’s battery may be suffering. When left alone for an extended period, the battery in your car can lose charge. The next time you need it, your battery may not be
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What Should You Purchase for Your Car: A Booster Pack or Booster Cables?
In Canada, keeping booster cables stored in your car has always been the norm. But jumper cables are not the only option for protection against dead batteries. With booster packs taking over the market, which option is the best if your vehicle’s battery dies and leaves you stranded? Advantages of Booster Packs Booster packs, or
... Read More.How to Boost a Vehicle
By Lori Straus You’re on the road to a winter getaway, it’s -25°C outside, the wind is blowing, and instead of driving, you’re stuck with a dead battery. What do you do? First, pull out your emergency kit and give everyone blankets, etc., to keep warm. Next, flag down a stranger to give you a
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