Thinking about trading in your gas-powered car for an electric one? Then you’ve probably wondered how much it’ll cost to keep it running. To get an accurate estimate, it’s useful to understand different charging levels, how to find charging stations, and what incentives can help you with your EV purchase. What Are Charging Levels? EV
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Is There Free Charging for Electric Vehicles?
Although the initial purchasing cost of an electric vehicle is often much higher than a gas-powered one, many people switch to an EV because the cost of keeping it fuelled up is significantly cheaper. In this post, we’ll look at some factors that influence the pricing of electricity for BEVs and PHEVs to help you
... Read More.Roadways That Charge While You Drive
Range anxiety, the fear that the vehicle’s charge will not take you as far as you need to go, is the most common reason people choose not to buy an electric vehicle (EV). Despite advancements in battery technology over the last 10 years, a lack of charging stations still contributes to these worries. But what
... Read More.Hydrogen Vehicles: an End to Range Anxiety
Electric vehicles (EVs) are changing the automotive landscape. The power and quietness truly make EVs a joy to drive. The biggest problem with them, though, is range anxiety, i.e., the worry that the battery will run out before the driver can find a charging station. Moreover, people dislike that EVs take over an hour to
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